in times of trial...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I literally dream about sewing, I miss it so very much. The hubby and I had a talk a while back because I thought I might want to change directions with the business... but the more I think about it, the more I am sure it is what I want to do. Wish our house (which I haven't seen in ages!) Were bigger, but we will make it work.

To be honest, I am afraid that this pregnancy disaster and ensuing hiatus from sewing and the delay in getting orders out because of it all is going to affect consumer confidence. Online, all we have towards our name is the feedback customers leave. My communication has been sketchy , at best, over the past month and a half, and if I could chanhe it all and have the uneventful pregnancy i'd hoped for and been able to keep sewing until the bitter end, I would have been so happy. I never dreamt I would have six medical visits a week, and not be allowed to go to my house! I never thought any of this was even remotely possible. As a minor control freak, not being able to SEE the items that leave bearing my name is tough. I just hope that people can understand I am never going to disappear with their money and leave them beddingless. Unfortunately, we missed getting some sets out before babies were born, and I am sincerely torn up about it, but there is nothing I can do. I have no control. I also only have a phone at the moment, no computer, which makes it difficult to navigate through emails and messages efficiently.

When this all blows over, and God-willing, we have a healthy baby to show for it, I know it all will have been worth the stress. I hope you can stick by us, and hope to see you on the other side, when kids and sewing rule my life and bed rest is a distant memory.

1 comment:

Danielle, Drawstring Studio said...

don't worry I'm sure people understand and hopefully think about what you're going thru and realize getting their bedding alittle late is nothing compared to that.

You do great work and everyone needs a break sometimes!